Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Final Pics of One Darn Memorable Roadtrip!

Superman shows us the way to Seattle!
first stop: the inspiring Gates Foundation

...then onward to the Space Needle!
getting sad that the trip is ending

Women Who Rock Exhibit: Aretha!
followed us from Metropolis, IL

In the last driving leg of the trip through Idaho to Washington, Sean and I decided to rank all the food, hotels, and attractions.  Note that we tended to agree on food and hotels.  Attractions, however, proves a bit more interesting.  Although we agreed on awesomeness of things like the St. Louis Arch (Sean's #1, Tanya's #2), certain differences emerged, such as Mt. Rushmore's greater appreciation by Sean (#2) than Tanya (#9), and greater enjoyment of the Girl Scout Museum by Tanya (#5) compared to Sean (#15).  
our entire journey!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 10: Pointy needles, pointy bras, and a near fight for the ages

Hello from Olympia, where I've been largely offline for the past 5 days.  I left my laptop power cord in the hotel in Metropolis, IL (or was it Sioux City, IA?) and was reliant on Tanya's laptop for all my computing needs.  But she left a few days ago and my only link to the outside world since then has been my one-hour-per-day internet access at the local public library.  (If you think some of the previous blog entries have been long, consider that I haven't had a meaningful conversation with another human being for more than two days.  You've been warned.) 

Although the road trip officially ended with our arrival into Olympia late last Monday night, Tanya and I had a full day to explore Seattle on Tuesday, which provided a few more blog-worthy experiences.  We got a late start in the morning, which was a surprise to neither Tanya or me.  (Neither one of us is a morning person.  We joked throughout the trip that we should request an early checkout time to make sure we got on the road before noon each day.  One of our biggest fears was that we were going to book ourselves into a hotel that had a 1pm checkout, thus ensuring a completely wasted day.)  After the hour drive north on I-5, we arrived in Seattle around noon, with about a half hour to spare before we met Tanya's friend, Flora, for lunch.  Flora is currently working at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is conveniently located on 5th Avenue, right near the Seattle Center.  They have a really interesting visitors center with exhibits on many of their domestic and international projects, so we spent some time learning about teacher education, vaccination clinics, and an ongoing engineering competition designed to develop a sanitary, waterless latrine that could be used in remote areas of the world where access to water is limited.  I was relieved (hee hee) to see that all of the prototypes developed thus far would make it difficult for me to lose my sunglasses if they were to fall off my shirt.

Most of the exhibits are very hands-on, and in true Seattle fashion, technology-oriented.  One even allowed you to enter your ideas for ending world hunger, which were then projected onto a large screen for all to see.  As you'll notice in the picture below, Bill apparently didn't install a filter on his computer to prevent off-topic responses.  I resisted the strong urge to post something inappropriate and moved onto the next exhibit.

Flora made her way down to the lobby and we headed over to the Armory to grab some lunch.  My choice of food was sealed as soon as Flora mentioned that one of the vendors, Skillet, served cornmeal waffles with a side of pork belly.  Tanya ordered the fried chicken sandwich and wisely chose poutine rather than a salad as her side.  Who gets a salad with fried chicken?  That's kind of like buying low fat egg nog.

We said goodbye to Flora and made our way next door to the Space Needle.  I had been to the top a few years ago, but since this was Tanya's first trip to Seattle, we decided to suck up the $21 cost of admission and made our way to the elevators.  The trip up only takes 43 seconds, but the elevators are positioned outward such that you get to see the city shrink below you as you make your way to the top.  Once there, we went on the outside observation deck, where the clear day provided great views of the city, Puget Sound, and Mt. Rainier.

Next, it was on to the Experience Music Project museum right next door.  I had been to the museum a few years ago and felt like I could have spent the entire day there, which was the case again this time.  They had a sci-fi movie exhibit as well as an exhibit dedicated to Seattle native Jimi Hendrix, neither of which I had time to see.  Most of our time was spent in the Women Who Rock exhibit, which traced the contributions of women in music from Maybelle Carter up through the present day.  Given her infatuation with disposable pop music, Tanya seemed much more interested in the latter, whereas I spent more time on those from the 60's through 90's.  On display were Aretha Franklin's handwritten notes during her contract negotiations with Arista records in the late 70's, an exact replica of the hat she wore at Obama's 2009 inauguration, dresses worn on stage Chrissie Hynde and Tina Turner, hand-written lyrics by Stevie Nicks, and musical scores from Billie Holiday.  But the real attraction was the conical bra outfit Madonna made famous during her Blond Ambition World Tour in 1990.  My 15-year-old self took a moment to appreciate it, then we moved on to the Nirvana exhibit.

It doesn't take more than a couple minutes in the exhibit to realize that the curator, perhaps reflecting the views of the local citizenry, has an over-inflated sense of Kurt Cobain's importance in music history.  I don't dislike Nirvana, but I've never understood the infatuation some people have with them and Cobain in particular.  They were a good band that burned brightly for a few years, but the level of credit they receive for somehow saving music is usually greatly overstated.  One station in the exhibit even tried to portray Cobain in this picture as some sort of messianic figure who was ascending into heaven.  Gag.  That's not to say the entire exhibit was worthless.  The shards of wood resulting from a smashed guitar at an early house party performance were neat to see, as were early pictures of the band hanging around parts of Olympia that I now have come to recognize.  (It should be noted that while I was in the Nirvana exhibit, Tanya made a return trip to the Women Who Rock exhibit to fawn over Kelly Clarkson's stage outfit and Lady Gaga's childhood piano for a second time.)

After a couple hours, it was time to meet up with Tanya's high school friend, Marlee, who lives not too far from the museum.  From her place, we walked to Bar Cotto, an Italian restaraunt and bar in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, where we shared a couple very good pizzas and appetizers on a sidewalk patio.

Gluttony has been a recurring theme on this trip, so it made perfect sense to walk up Madison Street to Molly Moon's, a local ice cream chain specializing in strange flavor combinations.  I resisted the Capitol Hill Hangover Sundae, which you can see below includes bacon bourbon toffee crunch, and instead went with a single scoop of the raspberry lemon thyme ice cream.  

As we finished our ice cream, we walked back to Marlee's apartment, which is when I nearly witnessed what would have been the greatest street fight ever.  I noticed a bit of a commotion across the street involving a couple women who, despite the cooler NW evening temperatures, were wearing shorts and bikini tops.  That didn't seem strange to me, although I did take notice that they appeared to be in a somewhat heated conversation with what I assumed to be a homeless man.  I ignored it at first and happily finished the rest of my ice cream cone.  But as the conversation grew more heated, I began to take a keener interest.  Maybe the homeless guy was making cat calls at the girls?  Maybe he was upset that they had rebuffed his request for pocket change?  Maybe they made a comment about his lack of hygiene?  Again, I didn't think too much of it...until I heard a loud baritone voice emphatically tell the homeless man to stop bothering them.  I turned just in time to realize that the voice came from one of the girls, except that those were no girls.  They were a couple of transvestites out on the town and they weren't going to take any more of this homeless guy's crap.  A near physical altercation ensued which was precipitated by one of the women sticking her chest out and charging at the homeless guy.  I couldn't tell if the move was meant to intimidate him or flaunt her goods.  Either way, it seemed to work because the homeless guy quickly retreated, but not before making what I can only assume to be a few more untoward comments.  I don't think either Marlee nor Tanya were aware of what was going on, or perhaps they were too jaded to care.  But I was grateful for the cheap entertainment to help pass the time on the long walk back to Marlee's apartment.

And that's where this grand adventure ended.  Tanya stayed in Seattle for a few more days before flying down to the Bay Area, while I returned to Olympia to begin unpacking the hordes of boxes that were scheduled to arrive the next day.  It's been a week since then and I smile whenever I think about all the fun we had over the course of 8 days and 3500 miles.  I told Tanya at the outset that my three goals for the trip were a) to get us here safely, b) to have a lot of fun along the way, and c) to arrive with our friendship still intact.  Somehow we managed to accomplish all three.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

I left my laptop power cord in Metropolis, IL last week and am relying on my 1 hour/day of free internet time at the local library.  A recap of the exciting conclusion of our road trip in Seattle will follow in the next couple days.  I think I might even have enough leftovers for an outtakes/b-sides post after that.  Stay tuned!  My replacement power cord is supposed to arrive on Monday.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just realized I can see the peak of Mt. Rainier from my bedroom window.
Just realized I can see the peak of Mt. Rainier from my bedroom window.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

start of Day 8: ~10 hours to our final destination

Wheat Farms Montana. Best cinnamon rolls I've ever had, yes.
As soft as a pillow, and LOOK IT'S BIGGER THAN THE SANDWICH.

onward to Idaho!
(this sign totally wins for best scenery)

Couere d'Alene

moonrise at the Columbia Gorge(ous)

menacing nightdrive

"you have reached your destination"(!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

first day in WA: Puget Sound

Sean's first night in his new home.  Blogging, of course.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Days 8 and 9: Martin and Charlie Sheen, stalking Jud, and our arrival into Olympia

Greetings from our terminal destination, Olympia, WA!  We arrived last night around 12:30am after 11 hours of driving from Bozeman, MT.  Day 8 started around 9am at the Days Inn in Bozeman, by far the worst accommodations of the trip.  The walls were paper thin and we were getting bombarded from all sides.  The lumbering walker in the room above us.  The clanking of the ice machine in the hall next to our room.  The crying baby at 6am.  The roar of the highway right outside our window.  At that point, I was ready to take back all the nice things I said about Tanya's facility with  To be fair, though, the availability and quality of hotel went down and the price went up the further we got out west.  Holiday Inns and Best Westerns were replaced by roadside motels that promised the best shower head in town.

One redeeming quality of the Days Inn, however, was that they offered a made-to-order breakfast from the on-site chef until 9am.  I stumbled out of bed at 8:30am and made my way down to the eating area where I had visions of whole grain french toast and eggs benedict in my head.  What I quickly learned is that "made to order" means you get to choose if you want one egg or two, one pancake or two, and bacon or sausage on the side.  As far as I could tell, the only difference between that and the usual breakfast bar is that you get to hear the chef butcher your name as he calls out to let you know your order is ready.

When I was younger, Sean wasn't a very common name at all.  The most common touchstone for many people was Sean Connery.  Even so, it was not at all unusual for someone to call me "Seen" when they saw my name in writing.  That lasted for a number of years, although as the name has become more commonplace, I rarely hear anybody mispronounce it anymore.  It's probably been a good 10 years since it's happened.  That all came screeching to a halt with Dave the made-to-order chef.  As I sat at the table eating my Raisin Bran waiting for my food to be ready, I heard him call out various names.  Jill's two eggs and a pancake were ready, followed by Rob's two pancakes and an egg.  I then heard him call out a name that appeared to contain a long E sound sandwiched between some sort of digraph and a consonant I didn't recognize.  My first thought was that he said "Jean."  Did I make my S look like a J when I wrote my name on the order form?  I quickly dismissed that and next considered the possibility that celebrities were among us.  That seemed less plausible, so after noticing that nobody was claiming the plate of food at the window, I decided to wander up to see if it was mine.  Sure enough, he said, it was.  I guess I would have realized it sooner if my name was, in fact, "Schween."  I gently corrected his mispronunciation and proceeded to eat less than half of the C- breakfast he prepared for me.

After checking out of hotel, we loaded up the car and headed west on 90. I knew we were ready to log some heavy miles that day when, after only about a half hour in the car, neither one of us even acknowledged the sign for the Montana state prison museum on the side of the road.  If this had been Tennessee, Illinois, or even Nebraska, we would have gladly stopped and spent a good 3 or 4 hours learning about the finest gray bar hotels the state had to offer.  But after being on the road for 7 days and almost 3000 miles, we couldn't muster the energy to pull over.

Our first stop was for lunch at Wheat Montana, a local bakery in Three Rivers recommended by a friend that makes all of its breads and pastries with wheat harvested on the adjoining farm.  We both had excellent sandwiches, but the most noteworthy item was the cinnamon roll that Tanya later declared to be the best she's ever had.

Our next stop was a rest stop in far western Montana that was apparently known for its huckleberry shakes.  What we didn't know is that they also had a live trout exhibit in the back of the store next to an animatronic moose head.  We've seen some strange things on this trip, but a trout aquarium in a truck stop may be near the top. 

We made our way through the rest of western Montana and crossed the border into Idaho in mid-afternoon, eventually making our way to Coeur d'Alene near the Washington border.  We took a drive around the lake, which provided gorgeous views of the water and mountains in the background.  Then it was on to Spokane, WA.

Jud Heathcote was the head basketball coach at Michigan State from 1976 to 1995 and is best known for coaching Magic Johnson and MSU to the NCAA title in 1979.  After leaving MSU in 1995, he retired to Spokane where he has lived ever since.  For the past few weeks, I had considered the possibility of trying to get a picture outside his house as we passed through town.  Creepy?  Yes.  Stalker-ish?  Perhaps.  But how many other chances would I have to do it?  I found his address before leaving Chapel Hill and left open the possibility of getting the picture if the opportunity presented itself.  As we got closer to town, the idea became both creepier and more alluring.  I finally decided to go for it, so we pointed the GPS toward the address and made our way to Jud's house.

As we arrived at the destination, we realized that he lives in a gated community next to a golf course and that getting a picture in front of the house was going to be impossible.  I was both disappointed but relieved that I wouldn't have to deal with the possibility of the old man chasing me down the street and away from his house.  Instead, I got a picture outside the gate and a picture of his name in the resident directory.  I still feel a little dirty.

We left Spokane and entered the final stretch of our trip.  We stumbled upon the Columbia River Gorge just after the sun went down, which provided some nice picture opportunities.  I could have spent all night there, but we got back in the car after a half hour and finally rolled into Olympia around 12:30am, where we stayed at a local hotel.  The road trip was complete.

Morning came early once again.  We rolled out of the hotel around 10am to cool temperatures and made our way to meet my landlord to sign papers and get keys to the house.  After a walk-through of the house a quick tour of a couple local running trails, we began the long but cathartic process of cleaning out the car and moving bags into the house.  We then headed downtown for lunch at the New Moon Cafe where Tanya introduced me to MASH, which apparently is a popular game among prepubescent girls.  She assures me I'm going to marry Jamie Lee Curtis and own a house and a Maserati at some point in my life.

The rest of the afternoon was spent buying sundries at Target and discovering the produce market across the street that has local cherries for $1.99/pound, local pink lady apples for $0.99/pound, and fresh, wild caught salmon for $12.99/pound.  I like this town already.

The road trip officially restarts tomorrow when we head up to Seattle to check out the Space Needle and the Experience Music Project museum and toss some fish around at Pike Place Market.  Pictures to follow.